Tuesdays, 9am - 12pm with Benjamin Cahoon: Special Studies- Surface Design
Wednesdays, 12pm - 3pm Beg/Int with Anneliese Kiefer
Fridays, 6-9PM Beg/Int Ceramics with Mindy Beauchamp
January 16th- February 23rd
(Ages 16+)
EXPERIENCE LEVEL: This course is flexible but designed to match different levels. Students may be at different levels or stages on projects but newcomers will always be given a fair introduction to the space and practices with no pressure to "catch up" - ceramics are about life-long learning!
These courses are perfect for the intermediate student or exploring specific skills!
Our instructors will take students through all clay construction methods as well as studio etiquette. As is with our other courses, each session varies on content and instructions so if you have specific goals talk with your instructor.
Special Studies- SURFACE DESIGN, Tuesdays, 9am - 12pm with Benjamin Cahoon
In this course students will explore various methods and techniques in creating Drinkware! Recommended for those with experience in at least two ceramics courses.
Beg/Int Daytime Option: Wednesdays, 12pm - 3pm with Anneliese Kiefer or Friday Night 6-9PM with Mindy Beauchamp
This course is flexible but designed to match different levels. Students may be at different levels or stages on projects but newcomers will always be given a fair introduction to the space and practices with no pressure to "catch up" - ceramics are about life-long learning!
MATERIALS/SUPPLIES: All students need to purchase clay from the CCC - new 25lb bags of Cone 10 G-Mix are $19 in 2024. Other varietals available. All ceramics students should have their own basic tool kits to start. They can be purchased anywhere (Amazon, Georgies, etc) but we have 8-pack tool kits available for $10. Add to your cart or purchase at the Front Desk
ENROLLMENT COST: $190/6-week Session + Cost of supplies
Due to the popularity of our classes: please limit yourself to enrollment in one Adult Ceramics class. You are more than welcome to join multiple waitlists if classes are full!
Sliding-scale pricing options are available for anyone in financial hardship. Find more information here.
PLEASE NOTE: 2023 Class Cancellation Policy
Each class is being kept at a max of 8 students to best serve the size of our Ceramics Studio.
Masks are now optional in the studio
If you exhibit signs of COVID19 or have been in contact with someone who has tested positive, we ask that you candidly report to us and follow all CDC and OHA guidelines for isolation, etc.
Ceramics Studio Access Outside of Class Times: Students must make reservations to access and work in the studio. Students will receive rebate codes via email that can be redeemed for free studio time during the course of their class, expiring two weeks after the course ends.